Intramural Sports

Event Registration
The Intramural Sports program uses IMLeagues to manage our intramural events. For information on current schedules, upcoming events, and open registrations, please visit the Georgetown IMLeagues Page or check the additional details on our IM Sports website. For participants new to Intramurals, use the link below to register in our IMLeagues system:
Program Description
Intramural Sports provide university main campus students, law campus students, as well as Georgetown Faculty and Staff with a current Campus Recreation membership, the opportunity to participate in recreational sport leagues, tournaments, and special events throughout the academic year. Our overall program calendar offers a diverse range of events appropriate for all experience levels, as events often include both ‘competitive’ and ‘recreational’ formats.
Intramural games and tournaments are scheduled for both weekday evenings and weekend afternoons/evenings. Games are played primarily in Yates Field House for indoor events and on Kehoe Field for outdoor events. Some events include nominal team fees to prevent game forfeits and help compensate our staff of 50+ student officials and supervisors. We constantly recruit new officials to coordinate our events — interested students should explore details on the recreation Employment Opportunities page.
In the spirit of campus community and ‘friendly’ competition, IM Sports integrates a Sportsmanship System into all league events. Players and teams are rated – and rewarded – for good sportsmanship. By providing opportunities for fun and fitness, IM Sports continues to enhance the quality of life and community for Georgetown University.
Feel free to reach out to with any questions