Social Fitness-Creating Community Through Exercise
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October 2019 Fitness & Wellness Corner
Member Spotlight on Mike Adams
Maegen C. Stoner, Director, Fitness & Wellness
Yates gets me at my best and worst, and still accepts me for who I am. Early mornings when I’m still half asleep, gym hair don’t care vibes, and my socks may or may not match. When I’m teaching, there are days that I conquer a workout and days that a workout conquers me -where are all my Cardio Strength/Spinning people at, you know what I’m talking about ;-). It happens, even to us “fitness professionals.” What keeps me going? My fitness community! They hold me accountable, encourage and challenge me, and keep me going when I feel like throwing in the towel-quite literally some days!
Community through fitness provides us with a healthy connection to dedicated individuals who rally and support us to knock out that last rep, sprint, or dreaded last core exercise. They are the people who sweat it out with us, genuinely care about our well-being, and are invested in more than just whether or not we made it to the gym that day. This month, I want to use this opportunity to share a feel-good member story that iterates just how important a connection and community across fitness can be during a time of need.
Mike is a devoted attendee of our Group Fitness program and Older Adult Tone class that takes place on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 8:00
I hope you enjoy this read!
Fit for Life

As a devotee to the Yates Field House, I’ve been attending the “Older Adult Tone” group fitness class for several years. Class participants range from the
For this

For me, the valve and aorta procedure lasted 6.5 hours. A day later, while in the cardiac recovery area, the staff member remarked that I tested exceptionally well and as a result was up and walking! I was discharged 4 days after surgery, 2 full days earlier than most cardiac patients. An in-home follow-up nurse added that I was progressing faster than most. Further good news came when a Physical Therapist remarked that I didn’t need her help based on some strength tests she put me through. All of this great news was due to my level of fitness conditioning.
It’s clear to me and certainly health experts that while a fitness regimen is important for a
I am grateful for the membership that Yates Field House provides and to the Group Fitness program and participants, to which I owe my speedy recovery.

Mike Adams
I’d personally like to thank Mike for sharing this story not only with
This blog post was written to provide educational information only. This article should not be used as a substitute or a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have questions or concerns about your personal health, you should always consult with your physician. It is recommended that you consult with your physician or health care professional before beginning any fitness regimen to determine if it is suitable for your needs. The use of any information provided by this article is solely at your risk.