Here’s What’s New on the Fitness Floor – Equipment Edition
Posted in Announcements Blog Fitness Fitness & Wellness Corner News
By Maegen C. Stoner, Associate Director
September 2021
It’s so great to welcome our students, faculty, and staff back to Campus Recreation! We’ve certainly been busy with significant facility wide changes and updates during our closure, but I wanted to take this opportunity to highlight some of the new equipment that you will see on the floor. I do hope you give these new pieces a try during your next visit!

Resolute Selectorized Strength Line
The Resolute Selectorized Strength equipment replaces the older LifeFitness line that we’ve had in the past. This new, sleek, smaller footprint equipment, provides users with the confidence in both learning a new strength routine and throughout the maintenance phase.

Pit Shark Tall Frame Belt Squat
The belt squat helps assist with the foundation movement of the squat, while allowing you to realize the freedom of the movement that is possible when you are not distracted by a bar on your back.
Here’s a quick video if you’re interested in learning more about the Pit Shark Belt Squat.

Precor Air Bike Elite
This bike takes interval training to the next level, with a smooth ride, ergonomic design, and enhanced console capabilities that deliver an intense and refined workout experience.

Dynamic Strength Reverse Hyper
The Reverse Hyper allows you to focus on the Hamstrings, Gluteals, and Spinal Erectors. It promotes better hip extension, more glute and hamstring isolation, and helps prevent lower back injuries.

Dynamic Strength Glute Ham Developer
This machine offers structural movement that emphasizes hamstring development in knee flexion, while also providing secondary work on glutes and calves. Razor curls, back extensions and sit ups are additional movement options. Dynamic’s GHD features easy leg length adjustment and height position and oversized thigh pads. The knee pads provide convenient means for mounting and dismounting.

Atlantis Hip Thruster
This innovative machine focuses on a targeted workout on the Glute. The Hip Thrust machine allows performing the thrust movement of the hips in a more practical and efficient way as compared to completing the exercise with the barbell.
This blog post was written to provide educational information only. This article should not be used as a substitute or a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have questions or concerns about your personal health, you should always consult with your physician. It is recommended that you consult with your physician or health care professional before beginning any fitness regimen to determine if it is suitable for your needs. The use of any information provided by this article is solely at your risk.