How to Scrap Together an IM Team

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Have you ever had that event that you’re dying to go to but none of your friends are interested? A Black Pistol Fire concert or that beekeeping class? Most times, it doesn’t matter because you can just go by yourself and while it can be awkward, you have that option.

IM sports, however, is a whole different ballpark. You can’t just show up by yourself and play 5 people in volleyball or have a 3 on 1 basketball game. You need a team. But what if your friends aren’t interested?  Believe it or not, you have other options.

1. Add yourself into a random team. This may surprise you but many teams could use more players. In fact, the IM soccer team I was on had 20 players on the roster but only 5 players would ever show up. On the IM League website, teams can choose whether or not to accept single players or “free agents”. Many click yes so if you just go on the website, you might find a team looking for members. And who knows, you might just meet some really nice people!

2. Talk incessantly about the sport you’re interested in and casually ask people, “are you doing IM?” Chances are, you’ll find someone who is and they’ll ask you if you are too, to which you can explain your predicament and join their team.

3. Just ask random people — your acquaintances in class, your roommates, people you see in the HFSC glass room watching sports games, people in your clubs, random people walking out of Yates who look fit and like they could be an asset to your team. (I didn’t give you that advice if anyone asks).

4. If it really comes down to it, ask some random freshman for their netids, put them in the system, and maybe when they get an email reminder about the game that night, they’ll think it’s mandatory and show up. I’m kidding of course. (But actually, desperate times call for desperate measures).

But chances are, if you really look, you’ll find a team. And maybe, just maybe, your team will go from the underdogs to champs. But if not, well, we can’t all be like Brad Pitt in Moneyball.