Field and Track Usage Guidelines

Kehoe Field is the premiere Campus Recreation Field at Georgetown University purposed for serving Intramural, Club Sport, and approved open recreation needs. Boasting a 110,000 sq. ft. top of the line AstroTurf 3D3 trionic fiber field, and competition-grade Beynon track, measuring 404 meters in length, there are plenty of ways to enjoy being outdoors on Kehoe. 

Campus Recreation at Kehoe Field rules and regulations are designed to promote a safe and pleasurable recreation experience for all. Guidelines are not intended to be exhaustive.

Campus Recreation at Kehoe Field reserves the right to prohibit behavior which, in the professional judgment of Campus Recreation staff, may place either patrons or facilities at risk. All students, Campus Recreation members, and guests are responsible for behaving in a safe and appropriate manner and complying with posted and published rules and regulations for facility use. Finally, Kehoe Field is on private property and is not open to the public.

Activities that require batting, throwing hard balls, or unyielding equipment are prohibited. These include, but are not limited to: baseball, softball, golf, cricket, field hockey, and lacrosse. Campus Recreation staff reserve the right to limit or prohibit other activities for safety purposes.

Other prohibited activities, equipment or materials include:

  • Metal spikes
  • Food
  • Tobacco & alcohol products of any kind
  • Chewing materials, Sunflower seeds
  • Beverages (excluding water)
  • Animals with the exception of service animals (Emotional support animals are not considered service animals and are not permitted on the field)
  • Glass bottles
  • Rollerblades, cycles of any kind, skateboards, scooters, and strollers
  • Motorized vehicles of any type
  • Folding chairs, canopies, tables
  • Fence climbing & activities that can damage the fences
  • Hanging or attaching equipment to the fences
  • Any potentially damaging objects or activities that violate the prohibited activity list

Water accessories, water toys, and/or water activities are strictly prohibited on Kehoe Field. This includes, but is not limited to: water guns, slip ‘n slides, water balloons, sprinklers, hoses, inflatable, pools, etc.

  • No trespassing is permitted on Kehoe Field when the gates are locked. The fields are under 24-hour video surveillance and climbing any perimeter fence constitutes trespassing.  Gates will be open and closed by Campus Recreation Staff for all recreation and event times.
  • Bikes, scooters, and other portable transportation must be parked and locked at designated bike racks and should not be attached to fences/poles/gates.  These items are not permitted on the playing field/track.
  • During inclement weather (lightning, thunder, or tornado, etc.), Campus Recreation at Kehoe Field reserves the right to cancel any reservation and/or suspend activities due to inclement weather, which may cause potential injury to a participant or damage to the track and field areas. 
  • Prior approval is required from the Campus Recreation Office for photography or videography.  Please visit Campus Recreation’s policies page for the comprehensive media policy.
  • Children under the age of 18 must be supervised by an adult.
  • The selling of food, beverages, or merchandise is prohibited without prior approval from the Director of Campus Recreation.
  • All heat sources are prohibited.
  • Misuse or abuse of the facilities may result in the removal and loss of access privileges. Restoration of Kehoe Field post events requires that all patrons remove personal belongings, possessions, and equipment to restore the field to conditions prior to use.
    • Should post-event clean-up be required, Georgetown University will assess a fee to the permittee/group at a rate of $50.00 per hour. 
    • Any damage that results from a permittee/group event will result in a fee to repair and restore the field
    • The permittee shall be responsible for and shall repair or restore at its own expense, all damage to Georgetown University property caused by its acts (including the acts of Program Participants) in carrying out the activities outlined under overall guidelines.

  • Inside lanes are designated for jogging/running; outside lanes are designated for walking.
  • Please yield to those moving at a faster pace.
  • Please run/walk in a counterclockwise direction.
  • Stretching is permitted in designated areas only. Sitting, leaning or stretching on the railing is not permitted.
  • Wheeled devices are not allowed on the track, with the exception of ADA designated assistance devices.
  • The outdoor track on Kehoe Field measures 404 meters in length, per lap.