No. Health & Wellness experts are not certified to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness. It is recommended that you continue to see your regular medical physician and/or any other medical professional that you normally see on an annual basis.

It is a personal decision as to how many sessions you’d like to schedule with your expert. Keep in mind that new healthy habits can take time to create, so we recommend no less than three sessions. Successful behavioral change often requires multiple health and wellness guidance sessions over 3-6 months.

Each session will take one hour.

We offer several package options with various session counts based on Campus Recreation membership status. The pricing matrix can be found on the Health & Wellness Guidance page. For more details about Campus Recreation membership options, visit the Memberships page.

Once assigned, your expert will provide all necessary information to connect for scheduled sessions. Sessions can occur in-person in Yates Field House, or virtually via Zoom.